Do You Hear What I Hear? (piano solo)

Christmas Romance - Jim BrickmanOn this Christmas Eve 2020, I’m embracing a more relaxed and quiet evening than last year. 2019 was the year I was cast in an elaborate and beautifully staged production of a Christmas pageant called “The Majesty of Christmas” at Six Flags in Eureka, MO.  There were twelve performers including the main characters of the Christmas story and live animals including six cuddly looking sheep, a temperamental donkey, and Clarence the camel.

We performed 3-4 shows a day every weekend starting the weekend of Thanksgiving and then everyday during school Christmas break except for Christmas Eve & Day, and all the way to New Year’s Day. This was the most performance I’ve done for a show in my career. It was close to 50 shows and my voice stayed strong in singing 1st Soprano, until I got sick with a cold then flu and missed one day of shows.

What a stark contrast Christmas 2020 has been with almost no live shows except for “live on-line.” While tonight is not the traditional Christmas Eve I’m accustomed to, I’m embracing this time to reflect and treasure the true meaning of Christmas. Instead of rushing to get ready to perform, I can be still and pause with my heart filled with Joy for the birth of My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ who is the reason my family and I celebrate Christmas, along with others who believe in Jesus Christ as the begotten Son of God who came to be the Savior of the World.

As I reflect on Matthew 1-2, with my Christmas playlist in the background, Jim Brickman’s contemplative piano solo recording of this song allows me to sing along and imagine the time when the Wise Men came to visit the baby Jesus.

Matthew 2:10-11 English Standard Version (ESV)

10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.
11 And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. ESV

Listen on Spotify if you’re a subscriber or YouTube. This is the Dec. 24 Song Blog from (my) Julie-Ann Joy’s 2020 Christmas Playlist. Check back everyday until New Year’s Day as I add another song to my playlist.


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